The science behind productivity: what works and what doesn't

The science behind productivity: what works and what doesn't

Publication Date
Dec 2, 2023

The Science Behind Productivity: What Works and What Doesn’t

In today's fast-paced world, many of us are perpetually on a quest to enhance our productivity. Indeed, productivity has become a key metric for success, both in personal and professional life. But what does science say about productivity? What practices, habits, and behaviors enhance productivity and which ones deter it? This in-depth exploration aims to demystify the science behind productivity, and present actionable insights you can implement right away.


Human potential is astounding, and we all strive to maximize our abilities in pursuit of our goals. Productivity serves as a bridge to accomplish that, and understanding its complex intricacies can help us work smarter rather than harder. However, like any scientific topic, tangible conclusions can be surprisingly elusive. However, there are proven methods and practices that can enhance your productivity. Let's delve in.

Understanding Productivity

Productivity essentially means getting more done in less time. However, it's not just about speeding up—it's about maximizing efficiency and effectiveness in your work.
  • Efficiency: This is about doing the same work with less effort, time, and resources. It's about streamlining your processes and eliminating wastage.
  • Effectiveness: This boils down to doing the right things—those tasks that directly align with your objectives and contribute to your goals.
By balancing efficiency and effectiveness, you can modulate your productivity and achieve your objectives faster and better.

Proven Techniques To Boost Productivity

The Power of Focus

The human brain works best when it's focused on one task at a time. According to a Stanford University study, people who multitask are less productive and make more mistakes than those who focus on one task at a time. The brain isn't wired for multitasking; when we think we are, we are merely switching our focus quickly between tasks—and each switch incurs cognitive costs. This practice, known as “context switching,” damages productivity as it drains our mental energy and reduces our attention span.

Practice Mindfulness An article in the Harvard Business Review outlined the benefits of mindfulness for productivity. Practicing mindfulness means focusing our attention on the present moment and accepting it without judgment. It enhances productivity by keeping us aware and fully present in what we are doing, reducing distractions, and promoting mental clarity.

Harness Your Most Productive Hours

Everyone has a unique 'chronotype' or internal body clock, that dictates energy ebbs and peaks throughout the day. Some people are morning larks, and others are night owls—the key to productivity is understanding your chronotype and aligning your important tasks to your peak energy times.

The Pomodoro Technique

This technique, developed by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s, involves breaking your workday into 25-minute chunks separated by five-minute breaks and taking a longer break every two hours. This technique is designed to overcome burnout and enhance sustained focus.

The Role of Environment and Tools

One fact often overlooked in discussions of productivity is how our environment and the tools we use for work affect our ability to focus. A disorganized workspace or ineffective tools can hamper focus and diminish productivity. Ensuring your workspace is clean, organized, and stocked with necessary tools and resources can significantly improve productivity.


Just as there is no one-size-fits-all to productivity, there is no approach that proves successful for everyone in each situation. Understanding productivity is a personal journey, and savvy experts use proven strategies, test them, and custom-tailor their methods to their specific needs, based on the scientific principles outlined above.
A key takeaway of the science of productivity is that it’s not a sprint, but a marathon. It takes commitment, consciousness, and continuous experimentation to uncover the techniques that work best for you. So embark on your productivity journey with an open mind – and the scientific method – as your guide.