
Create high-ranking, SEO-friendly, uniquely yours blog articles in minutes

Put your blog writing on autopilot with our AI Writer Agent. We've taken the heavy lifting out of it by automating

Research and integrate SEO keywords

Generate SEO-optimized titles

Automatically structure SEO-friendly articles

Create custom images for enhanced article engagement

Rewrite multiple articles in your company's tone of voice

Generate full high-ranking SEO articles in minutes


Blog articles are a powerful source of evergreen content that effortlessly drives organic traffic.

Building authority in your space while boosting domain ranking, attracting more eyes, and gaining more customers and clients.

Generating traffic

Boost your site's visibility

Saving money

Reduce operational costs


Maintain a regular posting schedule


Produce high-quality content effortlessly


Create engaging and interactive content


Easily scale your content production

Saving time

Automate your workflow


Generate articles quickly

SEO Optimization

Improve search engine rankings


Research. Create. Refine.

  1. Create a persona based on your website
  2. Generate ideas, research keywords, craft well-structured articles
  3. Finally review and refine the article

Press the cards below to see some finished examples



How to Create SEO Blogs Under 15 Minutes Using an AI Writer




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Unlocking SEO Secrets: How to Create SEO Blogs Under 15 Minutes Using an AI Writer

You've probably heard it a thousand times by now—content is king. But churning out high-quality, SEO blog content can be quite time-consuming, right? Wrong! That is, if you've got a good AI writer on your side. It’s a game changer, but only if you know how to use it right. In this article, we’ll show you exactly how you can use an AI blog writer to craft top-notch, attention-grabbing SEO blogs, all in under 15 minutes flat!

15-Minute SEO Blog Writing Workflow Using AI

  • Step 1: Do keyword research for the SEO blog
  • Step 2: Generate the SEO blog using AI
  • Step 3: Add your own spin to the AI-generated SEO blog
  • Step 4: Refine the blog and final checks for SEO

Using an AI Writer to Create High-Quality SEO Blogs

Effective SEO strategies can significantly increase your website traffic.
In recent years, the content space has witnessed a revolutionary shift, and AI writers are now an integral part of the marketer's toolkit. According to the 2023 Influencer Marketing Hub AI Marketing Benchmark report, over 61% of marketers are already implementing AI in their marketing strategies.

AI blog writers have stepped up their game with the integration of SEO capabilities. These tools do more than just string words together—they understand the intricacies of search engine algorithms and build SEO content accordingly. Gone are the days of manually scouring through mountains of data for keyword research and spending hours refining articles. From brainstorming blog topics to generating SEO-optimized content, AI writers have become indispensable.

15-Minute SEO Blog Writing Workflow Using AI

Following this 15-minute SEO blog writing workflow using AI writers, you can save valuable time without compromising on the quality and effectiveness of your content.

Step 1: Do Keyword Research for the SEO Blog

The first crucial step is doing keyword research and creating an SEO keywords list for the blog. By identifying the right keywords, you can ensure your blog matches what people are searching for, increasing the chances of your content ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Getting this step right lays the groundwork for a well-optimized and easy-to-find SEO blog post.
For quick and easy keyword research, try using tools like Narrato's AI keyword generator. This AI tool provides a sorted list of highly relevant keywords (including long-tail keywords), along with their search volume data. Simply input a few keywords related to your blog's theme, and let the AI generate a comprehensive list instantly.

Once you have a list of potential keywords for your blog SEO strategy, it's a good idea to validate the search volume data for these keywords. Cross-referencing is recommended to ensure accuracy and avoid any biases from a single source. Tools like Google Keyword Planner can provide accurate information about average monthly searches, competition levels, and trends for each keyword. After checking the search data, you can finalize your SEO blog keyword list.

Step 2: Generate the SEO Blog Using AI

The next step involves generating the SEO blog content using AI. Once you've created your keyword list, you might be thinking, “How did we jump straight into SEO writing after only creating a keyword list? We still need to create a blog title, build a content outline, and do topical research for adding content to the blog post.” Well, AI tools like Narrato's AI writer do it all for you, using SEO best practices.
Narrato offers a Long Blog Article AI content template, which is beneficial for blogs aiming to rank higher on search engines. With this template, you can either provide a blog topic or a keyword to generate content suggestions aligned with SEO best practices.

The next step is to specify keywords, article length, and tone, then edit your SEO blog outline. Aim to make the outline as comprehensive as possible, including the finest details. By customizing the outline to include your target keyword, you help the AI generate a blog post that meets your specific requirements and SEO goals.

Step 3: Add Your Own Spin to the AI-Generated SEO Blog

Now that you have the foundation of your SEO blog, it's important to add your unique voice and expertise to align with Google's E-E-A-T principles: Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trust. This step is crucial for creating SEO-friendly content that is both trustworthy and compelling.
Start by reading through the entire blog post to identify areas where you can add personal insights, experiences, or industry expertise to make the content more authentic. Include practical examples to support your content and simplify the explanation of complex topics. This is also an excellent opportunity to add links to high-authority sources to improve the blog post's SEO.
Personal experiences and expert insights can build trust and authority in your blog posts.
To further enhance your blog, add images to break up text and make the content easier to skim. Narrato’s AI image generator can help you create custom images that are relevant and high-quality, enhancing the overall user experience.

Step 4: Refine the Blog and Final Checks for SEO

As you near the final stages of your SEO blog writing workflow, give your content a final polish and ensure it's adequately optimized for SEO. Tools like Narrato's content editor can help you achieve a readability score of 60 to 70, making your content accessible and engaging.
Use AI content assistant tools such as AI Content Improver, AI summarizer, and AI Content Rewriter to enhance sentence structure, vocabulary, and overall coherence. Ensure that your content strategically incorporates keywords in a natural flow, and check that your SEO meta title and description include the main keyword and adhere to character limits.
Don't forget to add descriptive alt text tags to your images. This enhances accessibility and provides search engines with valuable information about the images, helping your content rank higher in search results.

20-Minute SEO Blog Writing Workflow Using AI

If you prefer a more hands-on approach when drafting your SEO blogs, here’s another workflow that allows you to build your blog section by section while still leveraging AI tools.

Step 1: Get SEO-Friendly Topics for Your Blog Post Using AI

When selecting a topic for your blog post, it's essential to choose something that aligns with your target audience's search intent. Begin by conducting keyword research to identify a primary keyword that has high search volume, low competition, and low keyword difficulty. Then, use an AI topic generator like Narrato's to generate keyword-optimized topic titles.
If the initial suggestions don't meet your requirements, you can always regenerate new ideas until you find the perfect topic. Once you've settled on a topic, add it to your project to create your content task.

Step 2: Generate an SEO Brief Using AI

Next, create an SEO brief for your blog post. This brief should include target keywords, ideal length, competitor references, and key questions for the FAQ section. Narrato’s AI SEO brief generator can compile this data instantly, providing valuable suggestions for keywords, questions to include, reference links, and the target word count.

Feel free to modify any parameters in the brief as needed, and incorporate the keywords you researched to ensure they align with your SEO goals.

Step 3: Create a Blog Post Outline

A well-structured blog post outline is crucial for organizing your thoughts and ensuring your content covers all necessary points. With tools like Narrato, generating an outline is simple. Just input your title, and the tool will provide a comprehensive outline with optimized H2 and H3 subheaders. Customize the outline to meet your specific requirements and ensure it includes your target keyword.
With your outline ready, you can start drafting the blog post using an AI writer.

Step 4: Build the SEO Blog Using an AI Writer

To draft a catchy intro, use the Blog Post Intro AI template. Input your blog topic, audience information, and tone preference to generate a compelling intro. Ensure your target keyword appears within the first 100 words.

For each blog section, use the Blog Sectional Content from Topic template to generate content. Fill in all necessary details and generate your blog post sections efficiently.
Adding an FAQ section can enhance your blog's search engine ranking and increase the likelihood of earning a featured snippet. Use Narrato’s FAQ AI template to generate relevant questions and answers.
Conclude your blog post using the Blog Post Conclusion template. Summarize the key points and ensure your target keyword is included. Add any relevant CTAs or additional information.
Following these steps, you can build an entire blog post using AI tools in less time than traditional methods.

Step 5: Use AI Content Enhancement Tools to Improve Your Blog's Quality

Optimize your blog posts for readability and quality with AI content enhancement tools. Narrato’s SEO writing assistant offers over 100 AI content templates to help improve various aspects of your blog. Use these tools iteratively to refine your blog post, making it polished and high-quality.
Content quality and readability are key factors in achieving high search engine rankings.

Step 6: Run Plagiarism, Grammar, and Final SEO Checks

The final step is to ensure your blog post is error-free and optimized for search engine success. Check for proper keyword placement, alt tags for images, and meta titles and descriptions. Use plagiarism checkers to verify originality and conduct thorough grammar and proofreading checks to eliminate any errors.
Once all checks are complete, your SEO blog is ready to publish.


That’s a wrap, folks! Ditch the hair-pulling, caffeine-fueled, late-night blog writing sessions. You’re now equipped to generate captivating SEO blog posts in under 15 minutes or, with a more comprehensive workflow, 20 minutes. Whether you’re juggling multiple roles or racing against the ticking clock, the tips and strategies provided in this article will help you keep your creative juices flowing while boosting SEO.

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